28 September 2012

52 on friday week 39 (black and white)

Nothing is black and white with this girl. When I think I have her figured out she throws me a curve ball. I am continually amazed and inspired by my silly, sweet and wild little girl. Today she is turning four and I can vividly remember, just like it was yesterday, the day we found out were going to have a little girl. I cried  uncontrollably with joy overwhelmed with emotion. I was excited and scared all at the same time. I had no idea how I would take care of a little girl and if I would know what to do. Turns out I did not need to know what to do because she is teaching me the true meaning of being and Momma and what it means to love unconditionally and without abandon. I am truly lucky to call her my daughter and I look forward to all the adventures we have ahead of us. Happy Birthday Leah, we adore you!

Next up check out what the talented Christa Paustenbaugh, Okinawa, Japan has come up with this week.


  1. She is so beautiful! And happy birthday to her!

  2. These are lovely! Her eyes are so full of expression and you captured it well!
