four frames

was all they were up for and I got "technically" bad pictures
from a really great day!
 horrible lighting
 heads cut off and blurry faces
 and I will cherish every.
 Even though I look like a complete dork.

We had so much fun making party hats. Then I set up the camera on the couch with the timer mode to take a picture in our hats. I managed to eeek four frames out of the little buggars but that did not give me enough time to actually set up the camera correctly. Either way I LOVE them and wanted to share our silliness.

I had such a wonderful birthday! Thank you everyone who called, emailed and sent cards!! I am truly so grateful to have so many wonderful friends and family who love and care about me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love these pictures my favorite people having great party.
Love Mom