project 26 | me and mine (through the window)

I had an idea in my mind of how I wanted these to look and I was actually going to take them "through the window" but they did not turn out as planned. I was getting too much glare. I think next time I will have to try on a cloudy day. I realize they are not exactly through the window but I love them all the same. 

When I was writing this post I remembered some fun pictures I took of the kids after our trip to the zoo. They are not nearly as "pretty" as the first two but they help to paint part of our picture and illustrate daily life around here. I painted a shark face on Jordan. Leah, the independent firecracker that she is, painted her own face... a Daddy face complete with a mustache and beard!! I love these two beyond measure. 

Follow the circle and see what the rest of the ladies  have in store for us this week. Next up be sure to check out Carey Pace | Tennessee Lifestyle Photographer I love her work and I am sure you will too! Thank goodness for her this week too because she reminded me to pull out my camera for the theme.


Allison Jacobs said...

Those top 2 images are such perfection! I love the reflection in the first one & they both feel so peaceful to me. What an amazing use of the light you had!

Jayme F. said...

Oh wow, those top two images are absolutely breathtaking! Gorgeous Christine!

Anonymous said...

oh my wow. those first two are just stunning christine.


Anonymous said...


Gail said...

squeal!!!! these are so lovely, so real and kid strong. love them muchly!

krista keller said...

Oh, God! I'm dying over those first two - they are amazing! I mean like LOVE, Love, love them...AND I love Grannie's "anonymous" comment :)

Misty setzler said...

Oh love the b&w procession on the first two simply lovely!