project 26 | me and mine

The littles did not want to be in pictures. I was lucky they sat on the stoop and stayed in the frame. My awesome husband took these quick snaps for me. These are real, silly and a very telling indication of what our daily life is like around here, just plain old crazy...but in a very good way. 

Next up be sure to check out the lovely Carey Pace | Tennessee Lifestyle Photographer


Carey said...

oh I LOVE them! I think they ARE perfection. Perfectly show just how much fun you guys are!

Allison Jacobs said...

It does look like fun at your house!!! What great moments here with your little ones. <3

krista keller said...

These are such great "in the moment" shots-I love them! I have actually scrolled through them a couple of times just watching each kids reactions change. Very fun! AND You look cute in a pony tail!

cece's mom said...

These are great, so much fun and real:)

Misty setzler said...

Well who couldnt love these!

tamsen said...

okay, i love that you posted the whole series- it totally tells the story of fun and craziness! love these Christine!


i love these!!! most definitely my favorite type of shots!

Gail said...

plain old crazy in a good way is just plain old perfect in the best way. real is the new perfect, (just learnt that tonight!!) love love love them.